Thursday, November 1, 2012


It was weird.  There were all these teachers, and Ellen DeGeneres was there.  I kept going to a puplic viewing room to screen a 1|2 hour movie.  In the end, I went back, and it was really funny, for some reason, how I acted.  People were coming in.  I was walking, lively and briskly around the store like my old self in some form.  Ellen was there, and she was kinda noticing me.  I was so elated.  I said, "I have 2 frends who are pretty good at jokes..." (as in like almost practical jokes but not sick..) "but they're not my friends anymore."  I don't remember quite what these jokes were, but maybe I will.  I just realized how expressive they were, like her.  I'm not like them in that way.  So, I ran into a girl who was pretty fat and taller than me and ... oh.  I met my music teacher and choir director from when I was a kid, and she was like kinda old looking but in like a smart way.  She gave me a hug.  I don't remember what I said.  She put her hand on my butt, and it affected me, quite a bit.  Then, her sister, my old piano teacher, also gave me a hug.  She presented herself as interesting, but her hug was not as stimulating.  She had strings of skin sticking out like me.  They went in, and people in the office are a were excited.  Then, someone else may have come and I noticed.  There was someone who wasn't someone..  Then, it was mentioned who that person was, and this tall fat girl who came in was saying, "It's it," when she realized this person was pretty fat and big.  I meandered home and it wasn't so safe and I ran into some kids going trick-or-treating, the day after Halloween.  I was wearing a pumpkin costume.  They noticed me.  Once, there were like 6 of them in pairs, and they said there's 5 of us.  It was bleak and forboding.  My dad finally showed up and asked me something like about what I did at this time  When I went in to see the different movies at different nights.  There were staff there.  I went to see them at like 1|2 hour to 12.  There were young adults there, sitting, kinda relaxed, like a guy with coco skin..  My favorite part was when I went in this store with an office with Ellen DeGeneres.  I was there quite awhile.  I think I was imagining putting my arm around her like I hugged my music teachers.  Well, I was upset when like they stopped hugging me but in a way not.  I think we talked about meeing someone from another area, the 1st one.  I haven't seem them since I was in junior high.  The store was so bright, and I was so alive and dynamic, a way I could kinda remember, like when I lived in the area she's from.  I just kept bubbling around the store.  It was so bright.  There was something special about the last movie, too.  I guess the store scene became like you know a bit surreal.  It was a little like when I lived in the nation's oldest city in Florida, Northeastern Florida.  It was supposed to be impressive, my friends, who I had seen in the dream before.  So, each played different things, which I think were represented by the word "jokes."

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